3rd Year Placement
St Farnans, Prosperous, Co. Kildare
Unit of Learning Art History 3rd Year Zoe Lennon
ST Name: Zoe Lennon
Year: 3nd year
Pre-Christian Ireland
Engage in a table quiz
Class Year Group/Name
5th year
Class profile including AEN
12 Mixed gender
Aim of Unit of Learning
“To explore the lifestyle, work and rituals of the Pre Christian period , with a focus on the Stone age and Bronze age tools, buildings and ornaments.”
Literacy: Write up keywords, read/research about Stone Age and Bronze Age, Fill out questions on handout,
Annotated drawings, self-evaluation sheets.
ORACY: Class discussion on time periods, Q&A, Group crit, peer discussion and learning, Presentation & Evaluation of visual boards.
Learning Outcomes for Unit of Learning
At the end of this Unit of Learning students should be able to…
Answer questions based on life in Ireland in the neolithic period by completing their handout.
List the comparison and similarities in the lives of the hunter gathers and beaker people
Use the Stone Age and the Bronze Age techniques to create the different style of motifs at that time
Use the techniques discussed during this Unit ie Stone Carving, Repousse and Incision.
Complete worksheets to reiterate the knowledge gained in class and keep it in a folder for revision
Lesson No: 1/6
Date: 25/02/19
Time: 9:40-10:20
Duration: 40mins
Teaching and Learning content
Process: Discussion of hunter gatherers with primary sources .
Stone Age
Megalithic Tombs
Resources/Vis Aids:
Powerpoint of New Stone Age, book, Visual aid of megalithic tombs and site, map of Ireland, Hand out of keywords and notes, folders.
Learning Intentions
Student will be able to:
Understand how Irish people used to live during the Neolithic period
Know what Neolithic means and what time period this was
Know about the life and craft at the time
Identify reasons Megalithic tombs and court cairns were made
Discuss what type of megalithic tombs were in Ireland and where
Lesson No: 2/6
Date: 4/3/19
Time: 9:40-10:20
Duration: 40mins
Teaching and Learning content
Corbelling, kerbstones
Knowth, Dowth
Rock Art
Resources: Handout with key terminology and notes, Powerpoint of Newgrange, Images taken by me at Newgrange, Drawings of Stone art, Visual aid of stone tools, Stone slates.
Learning Intentions
Students will be able to annotate the various important facts about Newgrange
Name the techniques on the entrance stone and kerbstone 52
Draw the different techniques into their notes and annotate each.
Understand the struggles of creating these carvings into stone by using the tools themselves
Discuss their own interpretations of the meanings of the tombs and passage graves
Lesson No: 3/6
Date: 25/3/19
Time: 9:40-10:20
Duration: 40mins
Teaching and Learning content
Stone Age Recap
Bronze Age
Tedavnet Disc
Resources/Vis Aids:
Powerpoint of Early Bronze Age, book, soaps and tools, foil plates for repousse, Hand out of keywords and notes, folders.
Learning Intentions
Students will be able to discuss and use various techniques used in the Bronze Age
Use the Repousse and incision techniques into aluminum and describe the differences
Create their own objects using the techniques discussed in the lesson
Lesson No: 4/6
Date: 01/04/19
Time: 9:40-10:20
Duration: 40 mins
Teaching and Learning content
Middle Bronze Age
Ribbon torc, Derrinabo
Resources/Vis Aids:
Powerpoint of Middle Bronze Age, book, map of Ireland, Hand out of keywords and notes, folders.
Learning Intentions
Recall facts from the previous lessons
Understand about the functions and style of these objects
Know about the type of people who would have used these
Lesson No: 5/6
Date: 08/04/19
Time: 9:40-10:20
Duration: 40 mins
Teaching and Learning content
Late Bronze Age
hoards, Clones
Gleninsheen Gorget, hair lock rings
Resources/Vis Aids:
Powerpoint of Late Bronze Age, book, Images for recapping, Hand out of keywords and notes.
Learning Intentions
Recall information from the previous lesson to create a visual board working as a group
Understand how to use their book to research
Know how these objects were made and the instruments they would have had at this time
Lesson No: 6/6
Date: 29/05/19
Time: 9:40-10:20
Duration: 40 mins
Teaching and Learning content
Loughnashade Trumpet
Petrie Crown
Resources/Vis Aids:
Powerpoint of New Stone Age, book, Visual aid of megalithic tombs and site, map of Ireland, Hand out of keywords and notes, folders.
Learning Intentions
Recall dates and facts regarding the Bronze Age and Iron Age discussed in the previous lesson
Describe the textures seen on the Loughnashade trumpet and the petrie crown
Understand the use of these objects and identify where they are located now
5th Year
Clay head project
Theme: Two Faced
Scenario: Create a hybrid creature of yourself and favourite television character in
Aim of Unit of Learning
Through observational drawing, life drawing and clay techniques students
will explore shape, form, texture and structure in contemporary artists
work to research the theme Dual Identity and design and construct a 3D
hybrid bust using buff clay.
Learning Outcomes for Unit of Learning
At the end of this Unit of Learning students should be able to…
● Interpret the theme and represent this through a range of visual
techniques in a mind map (Art/Design- Drawing) (Cognitive,
Psychomotor & Affective)
● Research the use of art elements and design principles in
Measuring, correct use of geometry set
and keywords (Shape/form) 2D 3D
ORACY: Class discussion SS artists, Q&A,
Group crit, peer presentation of work,
Presentation & Evaluation of solution
contemporary art, craft and design works from their own and other
cultures (AEDP) (Cognitive & Affective)
● Analyse their work, their peers and Support Study artists using
appropriate vocabulary and knowledge (Art – Critical & Visual
Language) (Cognitive & Affective
● Identify and experiment with a range of historical or contemporary
skills and materials used in art, craft and design works relevant to
their project (Visual Culture & appreciation) (Cognitive, Psychomotor
& Affective)
● Justify design concepts and the use of media in their own or others’
work (Design- Media) (Cognitive & Affective)
● Evaluate their design solution to the scenario in comparison to those
of their peers (Cognitive & Affective)